Should MVNOs Attend Trade Shows?

Posted on April 22, 2022

It’s that time of year again.  Looking at the calendar, it’s almost Trade Show season.  Trade Shows come along at this time every year like taxes and the Academy Awards (but without any slapping).  Sorry…….. too soon? Everyone in our business has most likely been to a trade show for our wireless industry.  I know that I’ve spent many years working a booth at CES, the old CTIA, and many other industry-specific shows, standing on quarter-inch-thick carpeting over concrete, waiting … Continue reading “Should MVNOs Attend Trade Shows?”

MVNOS, What’s Your Distribution Strategy?

Posted on March 22, 2021April 11, 2021

What ARE The 4 P’s Of Marketing? Any of us that took an Intro to Marketing class, or learned the hard way by learning how to attract customers through trial and error, know that there are four P’s in Marketing: Product, Pricing Promotion, and Placement. For most of us in the wireless business, our Product is wireless devices, rate plans, and accessories. Pricing, while in many cases is dictated by the carrier, allows us to attract a customer and offer a fair price that in … Continue reading “MVNOS, What’s Your Distribution Strategy?”